Eindhoven SmartCity Implementation

Case Study Description
Together with Manchester (UK) and Stavanger (Norway), Eindhoven is acting as a ‘Lighthouse City’ for the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Triangulum project, seeking to drive smart city innovations globally by demonstrating real solutions that are smart, sustainable, and inclusive.
A key project was the implementation of FiWARE (curated framework of open source platform components to accelerate the development of smart solutions) for Stratumseind Living Labs. Forthcode was involved in the UI/ UX implementation which included Google Maps connecting to live data and the configuration of CKAN. The UI was optimized with reference based on the Gemeente Eindhoven and the application migration from AWS to DC. Documentation of migration, FiWARE implementation and API’s utilized was made part of a Start-up kit for Smart cities. Forthcode also helped develop an Android application in collaboration with Vinotion (Video Analytics) and Munisense (Audio Analytics) towards the Smart City requirements.